Damaging or breaking a tooth is traumatic, but quick action and a visit to the dentist fix cosmetic damage and help prevent long-term problems. Teeth break due to forceful impacts, such as those that occur in car accidents or sports or due to dental issues such as large cavities or lost fillings. Whatever the cause may be, a dental visit is needed either immediately or as soon as is convenient, depending on how badly the tooth is damaged. Eventually, they will restore your smile.
When you do eat or drink a high-sugar snack there are tricks to minimize the damage to your teeth.
After your snack, rinse your mouth with water, eat a small piece of cheese or chew some sugar-free gum. Cheese provides calcium to replace the minerals lost by the bacteria produced acid, and helps to even up the bacterial balance in your mouth. Chewing gum stimulates the flow of saliva.
If you choose to have a soft drink, use a straw. This will limit the amount of Sugar touching your teeth. The best drinks for teeth are plain water or milk. Drinking coffee and tea will stain your teeth and dry your mouth out. Drinks high in caffeine inhibit saliva’s ability to combat tooth decay. Acidic fruit juice, such as orange juice, can also attack your teeth. This is because it alters the acidic balance in your mouth and leaves your tooth enamel vulnerable.
To avoid damaging your teeth, remember to wait at least an hour after consuming acidic food or drink before brushing your teeth.
Dental health can be maintained by ensuring adequate quantities of essential ingredients like fluorides and vitamins while at the same time avoiding refined carbohydrates.
Need to limit sweet intake
The situation is made worse if you eat one sticky sweet ever half hour because the balance of acid in your mouth never gets a chance to recover. This is when cavities start to form. It is not the level of sugar in your diet that rots your teeth; it is how you choose to eat it. The sweets and mangoes consumed at regular intervals prepare fertile grounds for the bacteria to start their demolition work of the dental structure. The best tactic is to cater to your sweet tooth at meal times, when increased saliva production will help your mouth cope. Saliva works to naturally neutralize the bad acids and wash away food particles. Another good idea is to try and limit the number of sweet foods you snack on throughout the day. Doing this successfully is a great way to avoid painful fillings and dental problems.
Fresh fruits
Fresh fruits, especially apples, are better choices. Fresh fruits, although both sweet and acidic, are much less likely to cause a problem, because chewing stimulates the saliva flow. Saliva decreases mouth acidity and washes away food particles. Apples, for example, have been called nature’s toothbrush because they stimulate the gums, increase saliva flow and reduce the build-up of cavity causing bacteria.
Be careful when eating dried fruits. Dried fruits can have an adverse effect on teeth, because they are high in sugar and cling to the teeth. Even unsweetened fruit juices can contribute to tooth decay – they are acidic and contain relatively high levels of simple sugars.

Adequate intake of calcium, phosphorus, fluoride and vitamins A, C, and D are essential. Most of these are present in adequate amounts in the normal balanced diet. Only fluorides tend to be deficient and needs to be supplemented. Teeth containing fluoride are definitely more resistant to decay.

There is a definite relationship between caries (tooth decay) and the intake of refined carbohydrates like flour, sugar, and other carbohydrates which have been treated in order to make them whiter, less fibrous and tastier. Refined carbohydrates become sticky quickly and cling to the teeth for long periods. They are easily broken down to acids by the bacteria in the mouth; these acids are primarily responsible for tooth decay. The best would therefore be to stick to natural unprocessed foods-fats, cereals, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits and cheese. The sugar substitutes like saccharin also do not cause caries.

Fibrous Food
It is suggested that one should end meals with fibrous foods such as carrots and other salads as fibrous foods might have a mild cleansing reaction as they remove food debris from the teeth. A well-balanced diet provides the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients essential for healthy teeth and gums. Fluoride, occurring naturally in foods and water, or added to the water supply, can be a powerful tool in fighting decay. It can reduce the rate of cavities by as much as 60 percent.
Frequent consumption of acidic foodstuffs (like habitual drinking of carbonated drinks and excessive consumption of some fruit juices) is associated with erosions of the teeth.